Tuesday, June 30, 2009
UPDATE: Transformers 3 Enters Summer 2011?
UPDATE: Transformers 3 Enters Summer 2011?
March 17, 2009
Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures have set a July 1, 2011 release date for Transformers 3, but the studios have cautioned to Variety that the dating of the third installment isn't an official announcement that the project is going forward; rather that the studios wanted to plan a stake in the date.Transformers opened July 2, 2007; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen debuts on June 24, 2009.So far, Transformers 3 has no direct competition in its July 1, 2011 date.Paramount also has moved up the release of Marvel Studios' Thor from June 17, 2011 to May 20, 2011. This move sets the release for Thor just two weeks after Spider-Man 4 opens on May 6, 2011.
UPDATE: Michael Bay has posted a message on his forums which indicates that he meant for Paramount to schedule the third film for 2012, not 2011!I said I was taking off a year from Transformers. Paramount made a mistake in dating Transformers 3 - they asked me on the phone - I said yes to July 4 - but for 2012 - whoops! Not 2011!!! That would mean I would have to start prep in September. No way. My brain needs a break from fighting robots. -- MichaelWe'll have to wait and see how this turns out...
source :http://www.superherohype.com/news/transformersnews.php?id=8173
Monday, June 29, 2009
因此回来后 lalalam 去check check 下,
我去了air tam 圣保罗对面的tayar 店 给我的3040 “医病”
最后检验出,tayar 开始裂了,花纹少了,连break 皮也磨到快磨到铁了。。。。
*快磨到铁了不是很严重,因为我的elit kia 在 kl 已经没有break 皮了也骑2个星期,直到housemate借scooter 驾才知道原来没有break 皮(当时自己问motor有break 皮的meh?break 皮是什么),还从sungai long garden park 骑去seri kembangan 海棠附近
最后就换了break 皮,4粒tayar..前前后后用了rm750
我的晚餐- 蠔煎
还记得当年在sungai long 吃蠔煎。。。leh mah.. 难吃
中南(resevior garden 湖花园)的那个uncle 蠔煎
今天由于是星期天,因此那个stall 顾客非常多
回来后ki hiao 在cari 放照片
东海岸 (lengzai87 提供)
northam beach (野比 提供)
New lane咖啡店(MyviPassion提供)
丁加奴律新来来(以前在东京茶室卖的!) (Lombado提供)
打鎗埔出口,Nissan對面 - 林海量蠔煎 (just_feel提供)
新金山 (浪女 提供)
jelutong post office旁边的小贩中心(pinky1012提供)
Macalister road, 梨园 (布莱而提供)
中路, 高佬沙河粉那間(新金山另一邊Corner)的老Auntie蠔煎 (tonykoay提供)
三条路路头的那档蠔煎(靠近福建面档) (hk 提供)
读者如果喜欢吃蠔煎可以refer 这里,如果有更好吃的请记得分享哦。。
Sunday, June 28, 2009
虽然本文有点长,但你务必耐心读完,因为小弟100%肯定它发生在你或身边的人身上!!小弟是KL人,一个普通到不能再普通的打工一族,今年30出岁。书读不多,凭着蛮力和运气,钱是有存一点,还努力的为了日本T牌车子和puchong房子替银行做奴隶。故事开始与小弟和我的老表之间。 我和老表从小玩到大,感情不错。他读完大学后,就在外国银行任职。有一天,他找我yumcha,说是有康淘介绍。原来他最近找了个part time来做。要介绍我一个存钱户口。我很坦白问他是不是保险,因为保险小弟也买了几份。捱过家父早逝的日子,令小弟的保险意识也蛮高的。老表答我是不是保险不重要,最重要有钱赚,对不对?我心想,[词语过滤-#160]!
存钱8年而已。每年RM 11,600。
他还计算给我听, 8年后只存了RM92,000.但是5%+4%利息却会持续给到我90岁。
a. 你要把本钱的25%无条件的给银行职员,经理和银行本身当Commission;(25%?????哪我的钱不就剩下75%而已????)
b. 银行只肯保障你本钱的40-50%,其余的根据市场表现,听天由命;(哪嘛高风险过股票???)
c. 8年过后,银行才开始肯定给你介于本钱2-3%的利息 (2-3%而已??还要在8年过后才给??)如果银行有一个退休户口很好,但是有以上所有条件,你存吗?
a. 其中2年保费肯定的就给agent,managers,和公司赚了
b. 保险公司只肯guarantee本钱的50%以下,其余所谓的几多花红和红利都是non-guaranteed的
c. 8年过后的guaranteed5%利息,是人寿保障保额(50,000)的5%,不是本钱的5%。
听了这些过后,小弟嘴巴也合不起来了,这么跟老表所说的出入这么大呢?堂哥还怕我不信,特地开了laptop,在我面前做了个他公司的sales quotation并逐样解释给我听。看了白纸黑字过后,我不由得不信。
那晚过后,我除了开始不讨厌未婚妻的堂哥之外,我也接近3个月跟我老表失去联络。老表无法回答我的提问,他的保险manager也支支吾吾,不愿正面作答,干脆叫老表不要再理我了 (后来老表告诉我的)。3 个月后,老表主动call我出来,跟我说他不再卖这种“退休储蓄户口”了。经过自己的摸索后,老表终于发觉他manager很多事情都是误导性的。不止卖法误导客户,教法也误导agent。老表也为了自己卖出的那几分保单罪恶感深重。我们两个男人老狗两杯下肚,谈起差点为了这种折寿户口而翻臉,大家感触良深,决定“做翻D嘢”。所以由小弟口述,老表执笔,章警惕世人,不要上当!!!此事千真万确。
解剖‘退休储蓄保单’的真相(请转寄,功德无量!) 现今大马各城市大街小巷充斥着一批衣着光鲜亮丽的男女保险代理员,驾着双B豪华轿车,四处寻找他们心目中的猎物。他们经过特殊的训练,瞄准以下人士:
(二)没读书(BTC),福建话Bo Tah Che
(五)有储蓄习惯的白领阶层 他们的推销术语:
*注:要是这么好,全马银行早就倒完了!!! 听完以上吹嘘之后,任何人都会怦然心动的把银行存款拿出来交给他们办理,以便存进所谓的‘退休储蓄户口’,赚取代理们所谓的‘保证’(guaranteed)分红,以备安享晚年。
比如:甲寿险公司 男士,四十五岁 投保:终身保险至九十岁
年保费RM23,000 供期八年 终身寿险保障利益RM100,000 代理员会告诉你,此户口每年保证有现金RM5,000的分红,但是第1至第7年的分红必须存放在保险公司赚取复利,8年过后,保客可以选择每年领取RM5,000现金红利至到90岁。再加3%至7%的固定年终公司特别分红等等。
比如:乙寿险公司 男士,四十岁 投保:终身保险至八十七岁
年保费RM18,163 供期十年 十一年后,每年领取RM4,000至87岁
终身寿险保障利益RM100,000 同样的性质,如果你每年固定的将RM18,163存入银行定期存款,赚取2.5%的复利的话,十年后连本带利你将拥有RM208,574。往后,再以2.5%年率计算,你每年也同样可以从银行领取现金RM5,214年利息至到永远,那不比乙公司所付给的RM4,000多吗?更重要的是,在银行户口里,我们还存有母钱RM208,574的现金存款。同一时期,在乙公司所谓的‘退休储蓄户口’里的现金保证,只有区区的RM96,500。在乙公司的保单计划书预测(但不担保)你的本金RM208,574将在大约四十年回本。
啊弥陀佛!清醒的问自己,当你要把钱存进银行时,你会相信银行经理嘴里所说的高回酬,还是相信定期存款证书里黑白打印的数据呢? 同样的,你会选择相信那些代理员嘴里所说的特高年率回酬与免费的寿险保障,还是寿险公司保单黑白列明的数据呢????
假如你有计划要为退休而储蓄,除了银行定期存款,马来西亚还有其他管道如:大众信托(Public Mutual),黄氏星展(Hwang-DBS)等等的信托公司,各自拥有多样化的产品,包括专为退休而设计的储蓄基金。必须强调的一点,那些代理员卖给你的保单产品,绝对不是他们所谓的退休储蓄保单(Endowment Policy),而是如假包换的终身保单 (Whole Life Policy)。
最后奉劝各位,假如阁下或者你的亲朋戚友、同事、左邻右舍、生意伙伴 已经购买了所谓的“退休储蓄保单”,务必要带着你的保单到各自保险公司总行或分行向负责人询问一个关键的问题:“我的退休储蓄户口,十年后、二十年后、三十年后绝对保证(guaranteed)的现金有多少???”
*注:务必要求寿险公司以书面黑白答复!!! 千万别问有关代理员或他们的经理,因为他们都是‘蛇鼠一窝’。 God Bless You。
我是HLA的BANCASSURANCE CONSULTANT,想套我的DEPARTMENT HEAD的一句话 "保险不能让一个人发达(发财),但至少能让一人在有需要时能拿到一笔钱"我是认为,其实每个保险产品都有它的好处,是看顾客需要哪一种,天下没免费的午餐,别以为"SAVING"少少就会得到很多....一样的道理,要多的回馈就需要"SAVING"较多... GUARANTEED这用词,其实我在我HLA的HQ学到的是,真的有GUARANTEED的PART就跟顾客说,为什么有...没GUARANTEED的就得跟顾客说没有,为什么没有...选择权永远都是在顾客手上...我的MANAGER也常说,大家都说保险骗人的...其实不是,保险是张纸,是个产品...哪会骗人,骗人的都是我们的同类,人.......你们认为对吗???他们没把东西说清楚,造成MISSELLING,卖的人是会被对付的....楼主把这事写出来分享,我觉得这是件好事,让更多的人当想买保险时,就懂得发问,免得被误导...希望大家多多发表意见...共勉之....
1. 每个月共200, 10年,然后第11 年每年拿800.说什么退休计划,每年拿200, 你的退休生活每个月不到100吗?
2. 保3代,可以拿到88岁。我不知道自己是不是有那么长命。有70岁就OK了。还有以后通货膨胀,或者马币贬值, 800不知能不能上TOILET。越南要2000(RM0.20)上一次TOILET 【比较悲观的想法】
3. 他会说,如果你要退休时每个月拿多,现在就要供多。WALAU, 大学毕业生换200的PTPTN也还不起,还每个月供多?保险也不用买了吗?【我觉得保险是基本一定要买的。一个刚出来的毕业生,如果买INVESTMENT LINK大概是200.供车500,家用500,打油200,吃500,薪水大概完了。】再拿10年的SAVING PLAN, 10年里不用买屋子,除非车供完。。还有不用储蓄投资了,就没有获利的机会。
4. 说送个保险, 如每个月200,大概保险是20,000.如果你已经买了300,000的保险, 多一个20K,我觉得没有用LO。反正这不是自己用的,是留给父母(未婚者),如果认为300K够他们用,就不要贪了,我也相信父母不期望拿的。无形中绑死自己。
其实现在的保险都已包装到美美出来,有很多种类。通常他们一定会介绍你premium比较高的保单来介绍你。如果我们了解到,在六年内,他们可以拿到一笔与我们premium一样的佣金,我们就懂为何他们很hardsell一些如储蓄保单。。。我有一次跟保险代理说我要一份term life 的保单,但是他们一直要我买什么储蓄保单啦,人寿保单加储蓄的啦。。。。 我真的感到无奈。我要的,应该是premium比较低, 所以他们一直要我买其他的。这难免有点太过看钱来卖保单吗?当然,我有认识几个代理是很不错的,他们多是以顾客要求来准备保单。这样的代理才有人去找他们谈。我很不喜欢一些代理,一直说这个保单会在某月被某某取代或停了,一直要我买,以免失去优待好的保单。
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ktar 一日游

Thursday, June 25, 2009
谢绝Money game
这里是我在某个blog 那边看到的
关于money game 以及mlm scammer
Here are some hot scams in Malaysia, briefly, (I will elaborate more weekly):
1) The Cafe Scams - Island Red Cafe & Stevens Corner(strange, both in Pandan Indah) - Island Red Cafe collects members RM6,000 each and promised 5% return every month and even give you a name in the ROC as a shareholder but what's the point when they run away ? Stevens Corner, the famous indian coffee shop follows due to drop of business since their renovation. They collect RM3,000 per member and promise return of RM150 monthly and plans to open nice fanchisee cafe called StevensTeaGarden but so far all drawings and no new outlet yet. Both collect monies from new members with MLM recruitment schemes and pay the old members like Sunshine Empire. You never know when they will run away. Apparently, Stevens' takeoff have not been so successful.
2) Sunshine Empire - This licensed and legal Company has an impressive office at the ground level of KUB building along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, near Menara Public Bank and AmBank Building. They also have a showroom office at the ground level in the next building. 2 or 3 months ago, Singapore's Straits Times and The Paper published big news reminding their people to be careful and NOT to believe in them. Hope someone can put up the link or google for it.Someone below has put a link to the Singapore news. In fact there are more to it. Although Singapore is investigating them, they did not stop their business as the business is legal and so far, no Singaporean have failed to receive their commissions as promised. Thus, the government cannot stop them yet.The news published that the founder, director and group president is someone named James Phang but he is NOT the owner. Isn't this quite strange ? At the end of the game, James Phang can just disappear from the Company easily and claimed that he was just "employed". Such trick always happened in scam businesses.Now, the Company has STOPPED paying commissions and interests to members with the excuse that the Singapore government has freezed their bank account while under investigation. Do you think their boss will be so stupid to keep much monies in the bank to be freezed ? They are all transfered away. It's just an excuses not to pay back to members and members are only paid "e-bonus-points" which is cashless. If they wish to convert to cash, they have to recruit new members to pay them cash and the recruiter less out trom the amount. So victims act like Vampires and "forced" to victimise other victims if they wish to get their monies back. And their victims will later transform to vampires and the scam carries on.....
3) Water businesses - Oxygenated and alkaline water products - Some of these are bottled water and some are filters or equipment that claimed the trick. One of the better known Company that sold "oxygen" water is SITO(supposed to stand for Selangor International Trading Organiszation and claimed Selangor State Government owned some share in it). The key person and founder is a Dato Robert Ong from Rawang but his name is no longer in the business now. Their products are sold for RM2 to RM3 for a 350ml bottle and now concentrating mostly in the Indian market. Their Chinese and Malays market are long gone since a year or 2 ago. Their customers are made to believe that their water has more oxygen and able to give miraculous effects for the body. Water is H2O, how to put more O into it ? Anyone knows how much oxygen do we breathe into our body everyday at FOC ? Latest news is that this SITO Company is going to create new label to market under a new Company since the SITO name has already gone bad. Someone informed that this Company is owing alot of money(due to refunds) to ex-stockists but just refuse to pay them.Alkaline Products - Can anyone explain how it can work for the body ? The stomach's gastric liquid is so acidic that water of any pH that goes through it will not make any difference.
4) Car Fuel Booster - K-Link, the famous scam MLM Company that sold the footpatch TAKARA, later the "cock-ring" and energy-card launched the patrol-saving pills last year. Got so hot that even grocery shops are selling for them. Recently many of these cars that used the pills are rushing to the workshops to clean the residual. Few months ago, another MLM Company launched a fuel booster gadget, claimed that saves up to 20% fuel, that is attached to the cigarette lighter. Started off well using binary plan but businese begin to fade now and most users find it NOT effective.
5) Perfumery Products(eg. Lampe Berger & Bel Air)(more details later). Lampe Berger is not so hot now in the neighbouring countries but there are still new victims every month in Malaysia. Must thanks to those who have contributed and kept the thread alive here in Kopitiam. Bel-Air have closed in Malaysia. LB is almost zero in Singapore. This perfumery product from France with over 100 years history is just bottles and fragrance(check the factory's website) but the Company marketing them in Asia claimed "aromatheraphy" products. Hong Kong TVB aired a program that exposed their scam but their members claimed that HK's TVB already apologised to them. Note that the biggest strenght in a MLM Scam is their members will go all way out to lie in order to defend for their Company. The reason is simple; these members fear that they will not be able to make their money back if the Company collapsed. Knowing that the Lampe Berger products are moving slow, they add a line of skincare products named Estebel, also claime to have over 100 years history in France.
6) Energy Products(eg. stone pendants, bracelets, mattress and pillows). They use all sorts of gimmicks and demonstration to make you into believing them. They will do some tricks and demo to prove that these products really produce energy BUT is there any tricks in their demo ? So what if there really produce energy; is it good or strong enough to help the body ?(more details later)
7) Hi-Tech products(names like bio-tech, nano-tech that claimed millions of dollars of research involved, eg Bio-Young and XKL few years ago). Most of these will claimed a professor behind them(even with name and picture of a person) or used words like "U.S.A. formula", "German Technology" or "Nanotechnology" and no further details(more details later). If you ask for more details like the professor or factory's address, the answer will be "trade secrets".
8) Investment Schemes - SWISSCASH is the King of all. Swisscash is nearly over now but there are many similar and smaller ones that are still on.
9) GoldQuest - This Company that claimed to be HK-based started with some non-value gold-plated coins that are sold for over RM2,000 have several names and changed products several times. QuestVacation, QuestNet, etc. They have several offices in Amcorp Mall, PJ and their key person(in fact, the owner), a Malaysian Indian was arrested last year in Indonesia for having involved in a very big Phillipines scam. Most of their overseas offices are closed or inactive but their Malaysia business is still hot, with some "energy" products.
10) Numerology & Fortune telling - A Company named Visible is using MLM to sell fortune telling classes using your birthday based on Numerology fortune telling. Prpspects will be told that they need to buy a certain "number" between 1 to 9 in the form of pendants or bracelets made of stainless steel and sold from RM600 to RM20,000. Customers, or rather victims are mostly females from rural areas. Very hot in Penang now and a number of spin-off Companies have started.
11) MJ-Life - This Company boost of a very big background with many many years of history which is NOT true. Their people or associates may be long in business but nothing to do with their MLM launched recently. Why do I consider it a scam or bad ? New members are told to pay a sum of money(up to RM1000) and you get NOTHING for it. You only get a membership can entitle you to enjoy all sorts of special price and discounts when you have medical check-ups in their centres. They will claim all those check-ups cost more if done elsewhere. It's not true. Only the naive and those new to medical check-ups will fall victims to them. Most members who paid the money ended up with nothing.
12) Seaweed Venture Scams - 1 such Company is located in Taman Maluri, Cheras. They will ask you to invest a few thousands ringgits for their venture of growing seaweeds in East Malaysia and you are guaranteed returns. To gain your confidence further, they will tell you your investment money is secured by "insurance" or "unit trusts" & "trustees". When you ask for further documents to prove, they will give all sorts of excuses or just ignore you because they know they cannot get you. These Seaweed scam is one of the hottest now, warn all your friends about it before they are victimised.
13) MXM(previously MGM) - This is a master scam among the younger group, very successful 2 or 3 years ago but since there moved to their big 10-storey office at Phileo Damansara and changed name to MXM, their business dropped. They collect members RM3,000 to RM4,000 with credit card monthly easy payment and in return you get a hospital benefits insurance from Pacific Insurance worth only a few hundred RMs together with some you-don't-need medical check-ups from their associate Company Pathlab. Also talk about fitness, lifestyles bullshit that is all worthless.
14) Gano Excel - This company from the north, a copycat of DXN selling Lingzhi capsules created a new Company called Gano iTouch to cash-in on the internet like e-Cosway after their Company went down the drain since the last 2 years, selling Linzhi and some no-value energy pendants and alkaline water gadgets. They provide free transport every weekend from KL to visit their Alor Star office.
15) NuLife(HK) - This Company started by some HK people has been in Malaysia for more than 10 years but they have flopped in HK and Malaysia due to bad management and a product scam making use of a prosecuted American named Dr Jeffrey Bland, found guilty of false products claim. Since this case in the US leaked out and many Malaysians found out that the real boss in HK is a Steven Tang(he cheated many Malaysians in another scheme about 20 years ago) their business went down all the way. Now they claim Malaysian partners cheated them and start a new Company in Malaysia. Watch out, this new Company will come out with some investment scheme idea that will get many to lose their money.
更多详情请参阅 http://mylittlebookmarks.blogspot.com/2008/10/scam.html
记得,谢绝money game
MLM个人还觉得好,如果product 真的好(多好也是要给昂贵的费用。。呵呵)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
经理说:你不能一下子跳的,你要从promoter, 然后升上executive, supervisor, 进入HQ做senior executive, 然后manager, general manager, director 然后拿一堆的钞票回家
豬肉內幕 ( 一定要看)
豬肉內幕 ( 一定要看)
一朋友賣了八年多豬肉,也不曾看他賣豬脖子 肉。
看來滿有道理的; 豬血因殺豬時 流在地上再從水溝回收也滿髒 ,所以也不曾看過他有賣。
豬肺也是不太能食用 (朋友告訴我的)。豬要送去殺前一星期會先停用抗生素,不然肉色會像黑青似的,賣不出去 !
有人的朋友是開養豬場,他的朋友說:「 現在的豬沒有不吃抗生素長大的,養豬大概只要花半年的時間就可賣了,豬農為了怕豬生病 ,所以都把抗素加 在豬飼料裡。
有沒有想過,一包水餃100粒也不過才100元左右,扣除運費、機器廠房折舊費、管銷費用、廣告費等等,每顆水餃的 原料能剩多少錢買?
所以通常水餃的肉是包豬脖子肉 。豬脖子肉有什麼 特點?
吃過雞脖子的時候仔細看看,脖子皮裡面都會有一粒一粒的,裡面的東西 鬆鬆軟軟的,通常媽媽都會要我們把皮丟掉,因為那個很髒 。
如果看過的人就知道,那是 一隻雞最可怕的地方,因為雞的垃圾都是積在裡面。同樣的豬脖子肉也是一樣,動物的脖子是淋巴最多的地方,病毒都會在那兒。
吃多了豬脖子肉, 會破壞人的免疫系統(因為豬吃了太多抗生素)為了您的健康, 請少吃冷凍水餃。 肉圓、湯圓等絞肉做的食品最好都少吃,外面為了節省成本,都是買豬脖子這種便宜又大碗的肉做的!PS .末梢神經是最容易積存身體髒東西的地方 ,所以雞頭、雞腳、內臟 最好都不要吃。
醫師的判斷是 ── 可能豬吃了太多抗生素,體內的病毒都不怕了, 一旦被豬隻感染代誌就大條了,所以 … 太離譜了?!哪有這麼毒的豬?未免太可怕!
以後大家都要小心不要 被豬踢到將這樣的好消息傳出去,讓有需要的人都能知道這訊息 你所能做的就是盡量的傳出來!!
just copy from email.... to alert u all
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
面试之旅今天去interview 到 celcom 的公司
原本在JOB STEET APPLY 的是RETAIL Supervisorjob scobe 是卖 celcom line / product
经理将就算degree 出来。。。。也要从低做起 :'(
job title:RETAIL ASSISTANT... basic 1k penang island (有时候要跑外坡)然后考试过关,才能升到RETAIL executive ,basic 1.3最后再考试才能升到RETAIL Supervisor
我。。。 当然有点失望。。。不过,我没有工作经验,没有skil l:funk: 又不能直接跳级。。
Sunday, June 21, 2009
佳礼update 到bomb!!!
马的,老子已经2天没有动到cari leh...闷死!!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
1901 special day
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Funny Clip

Duno why cannot play... so i put the link here
曹操,蒋干 大军兵临城下
曹操: 这倒霉的孩子
曹操: 瞧你取这破名字!
曹操: 诸葛老儿,你有种给我滚下来!
诸葛亮: 操....你全家好吗?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Convo at 7/8(fri)
Leh Miao, this arrangement is sux sux suxxxxxx
If i attend the convo, means, i need to apply leave for quite a number of days
Lets say,
Fri take 1 day for convo,
Sat return the gown, and goyang at noon/ evening
Sun drive back to penang...
OK view back, means, i need to take the gown at PJ in thursday
So, Wed i need to come down from Penang to Kl
So , 1 week, i need to take leave for 4days, (wed, thu, fri n sat)
Gosh, will my Boss give me CUTI for a long period
let say, Thu MORNING i drive from pg to kl, 6am, the i go n collect the gown after arrive at noon, then, 2nd day noon, after the stupid graduate ceremony ,then return the gown on sat and then back?
oh Great i just need to apply leave for 3days, thu fri n sat
Return gown Section still tutup leh... only can return on next MON leh, which is 10/8(mon)
Waliu, need to apply 1 day leave at tat day again!!!!!!!
So total up i need to apply 5days!! if i go down in WED, or 4days Leave, if i go down on Thu
In conclusion..... The time table is SUX
Response From UTAR : Sorry boss, we have too many students, so, pls be patient. ( edit by myself)
So, leng zai n leng lui sekalian.... see u all in Friday... ( only limited to the noon section fren, others, sorry, i cannot attend ur Convo.. haiz... Sux)
For more information regarding UTAR CONVOCATION, pls click ME!
Monday, June 15, 2009
佳礼槟城论坛的损失 -别经常熬夜或经常有不足够的睡眠习惯
原来昨天 pyen 都没去到auto city ...他都一个人在 cc 里过了整天。。。和 billy 午餐过后。。 他就一直在cc 里到晚餐时间。。。。 吃了晚餐后又回到 cc 里。。。 知道半夜4点多才回家。。。
他昨晚4 点多他一回到家就敲他妈妈的房门跟她妈妈说他呼吸困难然后他就双手拳头紧握按着他的胸口。。。 倒在椅子上。。 没有了呼吸就酱。。 结束了一生。。。。
Pyen 在佳礼槟城论坛也是很popular 的其中一个。但是我对他不是很熟
Pyen 生前和我买过cari tshirt,但我忘记了有没有见过他
-weipint -
pyen 为了你,我真身出来了刚才下午,才知道消息...当时的我整个人愣住了...我告诉自己要很冷静...我打给川哥... 他告诉我,他们已经在你家了....你放了我一个永远的飞机,我会记住! 我永远都记住!!!!你常要我介绍美女给你认识... 我也闹着你要介绍女生给我... 你很爽快的答应了... 我们的约定呢?!你不首信用!!!!我们说过要一起认识美眉,把全世界的美女都泡光... 现在你呢?!留下我一个人,谁来给我壮胆真是天妒英才!!!!!!愿你一路好走,我会永远记住我们未完成的约定...愿来生,我们继续做好兄弟... 继续未完成的诺言...你让我想起了很多,很多... 太多了....好兄弟,相信我们的痛,都不及你的家人... 愿你在天之灵,可以保佑他们...
pyen.... 你让我有很多后悔。 我后悔。。 你的生日我没为你庆祝。。我后悔。。 你要我请mcd 但我没请。。。我后悔。。 你要我帮你解那个难题。。 但我懒的理你。。我后悔。。 你叫我去吃鱼。。 我skip 你。。 好多好多的后悔。。。 现在。。。 一切都太迟。。。 太迟了。。。刚才看着你。。 好想打你。。。 你也还欠我好多好多的没做。。。
惋惜.. 一路走好。 在这也奉劝诸位年轻的网友别经常熬夜或经常有不足够的睡眠习惯。心脏的负荷是有极限的,珍惜生命是对朋友与家人的很好交代。每天请保持7到8小时睡眠。
第一次 + 唯一一次 + 也是最后一次见到你竟然是在[url=http://cforum1.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=350010 【813夏日8度演唱会】[/url]上个星期,PYEN MSN我,问我关于回收的贴子的贴,我建议他发贴在意见贴问。当你MSN我的时候,你还问阿兰姐还记得你吗?我说当然记得啊, 【813夏日8度演唱会】嘛你还和阿兰姐说过网聚报告贴有着大家的回忆,不该被回收的还提到以下个贴怎么没有人去UPDATE了呢?因为网聚都有着我们的回忆【槟城网友 网聚及交流活动记录簿】(19/06/06 更新)http://cforum1.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=323862谢谢PYEN一直以来那么的活跃在槟版,希望这里的快乐永远在你回忆中PYEN,愿你安息!在天国不再受病痛了。。。。。。
我就是那個最後見到他的alan...我是最接受不了這個事實的人,就在我見完他最後一面的短短幾十分鐘后,他就離開這個世界了,真的很難相信,好好一個人,明明又說又笑,說了個good night別想我,大家各自回家,竟然就發生了這件事。。當晚他并沒有異樣,也沒覺得不舒服,到底花生什么事我也還在了解當中pyen,就你常說那句口頭禪,在那裡?在你心裡~現在,你永遠都會在我們心裡,我們是永遠的brother
知道这个消息的时候,真的很惊讶。我很讨厌你咯你就这样丢下了大家吗你故意的你故意要让大家想念你的昨天晚上12.29分接到你的forward msg我今天早上才回给你我不知道 你其实 已经不会收到我的回复了说好的旅行 怎么办你不要跟我们去hatyai了吗你太狠心了我讨厌你咯每次我开台的时候你都会听的咯 第一次的时候还给了很多歌我第二次我开台的时候 你说你要点光良的第一次我说:下次你不好! 你没有等我的下次!我下次开台 你还会回来听吗你在那边 也能听到吗我想你!很想很想你!今天 你的样子一直在我脑海浮现一想到你 我就忍不住哭了!你msn每次问我有想你吗我说没有的话 你就会说:算~我说有的话,你就会说:骗人~那么 现在我在想你的时候你还会出现吗!pyen!!!!!记得那一次 你叫我开web cam给你咯因为你说很久没看到我了我说 戴眼镜很丑 不要开给你看你说 你喜欢女生戴眼镜的 看起来很斯文喂!你不要看我戴眼镜的样子了吗!怎么你走了?!!!??对了fb的poker啊 是你教我玩的咧!你每次赢了 都很开心的我知道我笨啦 我每次输的你不要回来教我了吗我下次不玩了!!!!免得你在那边看到 偷偷又笑我今天知道你走了我依然发了信息过去骂你不辞而别!电话啊 你的电话号码啊永远不会再我手机里 响起了吗你的fb啊 永远都没有人会用了吗你怎么 抛弃了大家!pyen!我很伤心我很想你!可是没办法去见你最后一面!我只会哭!没用的哭!你不可以笑我!!!是你害的!我想你
今天,很多人给我打了电话那个时候的我,无法接听,真的很抱歉自从之前的事情,很多朋友都联系不到我了如果想要我spore号码的人,给我原本的手机讯息就好这次的感觉真的很难受,我亦不想再错过任何一个值得珍惜的人... pyen,抱歉前晚没好好和你说话~也谢谢你,你真的是一个很真心的好朋友...
认识他的朋友可以在这里或去CARI那边留言DNR club之来不及说的话
refer benjamin 说的
Saturday, June 13, 2009
PAYPAL介绍+注册教程~网赚必备的银行 (What is PAYPAL and tutorial to register PAYPAL account)
我就re post 在这里,希望能更多人了解PAYPAL
( What is PAYPAL and how 2 register PAYPAL account)
PayPal 是一家 eBay 公司,它是在线付款解决方案的全球领导者, 在全世界有超过七千一百六十万个帐户用户。PayPal 可由易趣买家和卖家、 在线零售商和其他商家在 56 个市场以 6 种货币使用
PayPal 快速、安全而又方便,是跨国交易的理想解决方案。
使用 PayPal 作为首选跨国在线付款方式的主要好处是什么?
安全:PayPal 保证信息的安全。您可以在线付款,而不用将银行卡或银行帐户的详细信息透露给他人。
快速:使用 PayPal,您就可以立即向有电子邮件地址的任何人进行付款。
方便/轻松:注册 PayPal 非常快捷,而且您一旦成为用户,就可以与全球范围内 56 个市场(包括美国、英国和其他亚洲及欧洲市场)的卖家交易。
安全:您的财务信息不会透露给其他任何人。PayPal 使用最先进的商用加密技术保护您的数据,这些技术正是一流的全球性银行(比如 CSFB、Citibank、HSBC)所使用的。
快速:无论您的买家身在何处,付款都会立刻汇入您的 PayPal 余额。
PayPal国际网站允许您向 55 个国家和地区的用户发送和接收付款。
特别提醒:请不要使用@126、@163、@QQ、@sina等以及后面带.CN的邮箱 注册网银帐号,建议使用Hotmail.com、Gmail.com邮箱
要注册 PayPal 帐户,您需要前往以下站点:https://www.paypal.com/my/mrb/pal=5S832FMG75U7G 并按照我已经列出的简单程序进行操作。
如果您只想使用 PayPal 发送付款,您需要注册个人帐户,它可以让您向任何有电子邮件地址的人发送付款。
我要用 PayPal 发送付款 -您需要注册个人帐户,它可以让您向任何有电子邮件地址的人发送付款。要开始注册,请在下拉菜单中选择您所在的市场。
我要用 PayPal 发送付款和接收信用卡付款,但是我没有自己的企业 - 通过注册高级帐户,您就可以向任何有电子邮件地址的人发送付款并接收包括信用卡付款在内的任何类型的付款。在个人帐户注册过程中你将得到注册高级帐户的机会。要开始注册,请选择“个人帐户”单选按钮,并在下拉菜单中选择您所在的市场。
我要用 PayPal 为我的企业发送和接收付款 - 企业帐户将是您正确的选择。您将能够以企业的名义接收信用卡付款,并向任何有电子邮件地址的人发送付款。要开始注册,只需从下拉菜单选择您的企业所在的市场。
电子邮件地址在您登录 PayPal 帐户时使用。您的密码必须至少为 8 个字符长并应区分大小写。请尽量使您的密码与众不同。我们强烈建议您使用一个全新的密码,而不要使用其他非 PayPal 帐户使用的密码。
安全问题 - 如果您忘记了密码,我们可以使用您为安全问题提供的答案来认证您的身份。请选择两个不同的问题。
高级帐户 高级帐户可以访问高级功能并能够以很低的费用接收所有付款,包括信用卡付款。发送付款完全免费!
注册 PayPal 帐户必须完成此步骤。《用户协议》和《隐私权政策》旨在保护和告知您在 PayPal 服务中享有的权利。
注册 PayPal 帐户必须完成此步骤。请输入下框中显示的字符。这将会进一步提高您的帐户和 PayPal 网络的安全性。这并非您的密码。
注册过程完成之后,PayPal 将会向您在注册阶段输入的地址发送一封电子邮件,此邮件会引导您进入一个可以确认帐户注册的链接。
输入密码后,您就能访问自己的 PayPal 帐户了。
要想通过信用卡发送付款,需要在 PayPal 注册您的信用卡数据。要进行该操作,请选择“My Account (我的帐户)”选项卡上的“Profile (档案)”子选项卡,然后点击“Credit Card (信用卡)”。点击“Add (新增)”按钮,您将看到以下屏幕:
信用卡的认证码是一个 3 到 4 位的数字,通常就在信用卡上。信用卡公司不同,该数字的位置也有所不同。
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
he graduate liao.. and have job liao... but me...
Perhaps, many ppl haven view this, so, i post at my blog, hope u enjoy, his show
NameWee, Malaysia Boleh, U oso boleh
黃明志"我要回家" including
黃明志"我要回家"求助啟示 part2,
我要回家 正式版Trailer "i wanna go home" movie trailer
p/s: 请支持正版
我的感言:namewee is no longer the namewee for 2years ago, he become mature and wont act like child anymore. We, as Malaysian, especially the politicion should give a chance to him, a malaysian, tat love malaysia
P/S: ops... 我,比他还小。。呵呵呵呵。。。
黄凌风 | 6月9日 下午2点52分
3040 的遭遇 (今天附送2个名句精华在ending)
今天我家老弟驾它去上课,然后去1stop lunch
车就park 在1stop 对面排屋的住区
奇怪?? 没有东西啊。。。
Niama 被白粉仔破窗偷一个没价钱的bag..
还好,bag 没有什么贵重的东西,然后老弟就去pulau tikus mataliao(警局)report
但,一波没停一波又起,pulau tikus mataliao 的laughing Sir 叫我家老弟去tanjong tokong 拍edison 型的裸照,(不然不能查到一清二楚,要查案必须把3040的低摸的清清楚楚 :p)
3040 这粒 myv kia 竟然 bateri low... ( 没办法,3年了。。Energizer 能耐3年就很够力了。。呵呵)
结果Laughing Sir 就介绍头手来帮忙,换新的一粒bateri, 花了160,无所谓啦。。这样才能像蔡小粒那样有力。。lol
160快真的够够力,3040就被嫁去,eh..是驾去拍照(最近很heng CSI)
然后才安全回家 。
可怜的3040明天还要清洗伤口 。。。。
附送:1)Laughing Sir 的名句进华:一定又是那些siao tiao华人仔干的好事。。。
把bag 放在seat, 此为下策
把bag 放在bonet, 此为中策
把bag 挂在身上, 方为上策
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
IQ test
There is a problem,
company A sub a project to company B which is keep the company stuff to storage.
One day, company A have 37 box tat dont have record in system.
so the boss ask staff A to check this box within a week
condition is:
company B offer deliver of the box to company A per day with the condition there is 1 day working to settle the timetable for deliver
the company B offer pick up service for tue n thu only
2day is monday and she haven submit the form in mon, so she only submit by tuesday.
There is 10 box in company A storage. and the 10 box is settle and verify
So there is left 27box..
the problems is...
How she settle the problem??
She need to verify the rest of 27 box before next week.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Finding Nike Shoes
The main purpose is to buy my Nike Shoes.
But so sad... there is no size for me.. sien...
After tat, balik rumah...heh
o... gurney oraganize 张智成签名会 surely, i wont wait n see him
So pity there is less fans...
last time when Bosco go to gurney, few year ago.. watiu tat time really is tons of people, in chinese 人山人海 which we penang kia prefer to say.. people mountain people sea..lol
然后,我就回家搞我这个blog 搞到现在。。。
Sunday, June 7, 2009
the Ultraman brothers are bullying..lol
Hope u enjoy clip and the song too..
and... believe me... after a certain age.. u will change ur mind, coz, i m a good mentor tat will bring u to a bright way..
tat time, remember ask u son call me Uncle Max ya....
ah.... tio..... 2nai is very sad eh... if u not believe... pls watch rosey business..LOL....
Graduate = Unemploy
so, i m looking for job loh
Friends, classmate all of them aready start working with a good salary and nice environment..
But.. for me.... still... sitting in front of PC, watching Drama, Movie, play online games... for almost 2 year.. omg gosh..... where is my future... how 2 pay back the loan for 32k!!!